Agetur Ardnutts Charity Rough Runner
On Saturday 19th May 2018, 25 members of Agetur UK took part for the second year in a row in the Oxfordshire Rough Runner held at The Great Tew Park, Chipping Norton raising money in aid of The British Heart Foundation. All completed the 5 Km route which had 10 obstacles and ended with the dreaded travelator at the finish line.
The team ‘Agetur Ardnutts’ consisted of a real mix from the company to include both head office and site personnel. Once again, for those that took part, it was a day of great fun with much team work and hilarity and was made all the better by the colleagues &family that came along to support and take photos: all was finished off with a barbecue and a drink locally at Chez Chisnall, the home of one of our team members who kindly hosted the Ardnutts in the beautiful May sunshine.
The BHF has helped halve the number of people dying from heart and circulatory disease in the UK but regrettably every day hundreds of people lose their lives. It’s only thanks to support from people like us that the BHF can create new treatments and discover new cures. £24 could pay for 2 hours of research by an early career scientist, but every pound helps so please give what you can to help us hit our target.
In April this year we very sadly lost Tom Gaughan, one of our Site Managers, from a heart attack. Tom has been part of the Agetur family for over 30 years and was a very important, loyal and trusted member of the team; he will be sorely missed by all. In addition, our Accounting Manager, Lind Taylor’s, husband Garry was recently very gravely ill with unstable angina and was facing open heart surgery until he was offered the opportunity to join a trial procedure. So, this really is a worthy cause close to home for us at Agetur.
This year’s total raised to date is a whopping £4,130 for the British Heart Foundation’s research and we are so grateful for the support of our clients and suppliers that helped make this possible.
A very special thank you goes to M&M Commercials and South East Workwear for sponsoring the shirts we wore on the day making the Ardnutts stand out. We also want to give a huge thank you to Rob/Agetur UK for very kindly sponsoring the team and allowing us to compete.